Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Reflection on Other Projects- Blog Post #2

1. – Puppy are in essence, farms that grow puppies as a crop. They started as a result of farm failures after World War II. However, there is little that is appealing about them. The dogs there are very poorly taken care of. The females are made to reproduce on levels that are way above natural norms. The main problem is that puppy mills are simply a business and therefore it is a matter of supply and demand, so there really are no laws to prohibit them, because they are needed. The Animal Welfare Act is the main law used to govern these puppy mills to make sure that the animals are taken care of. This however does protect them from seemingly unnecessary and painful experiments.

2. - The American Psyche, or the way that the American people think is incredibly important to the way that our country is run and managed today. People in our country seem to hold their own needs over those of the country, when in reality there should be a balance between the two. It is just sad that our politicians even do this and use their own political power to get their own personal benefits. This is not the kind of thinking that needs to take place in our country. We need to be more open, and we need to make sure to have every body on a TRUE level playing field with our representation in the government.

3. – Global Warming continues to be a debatable topic and probably will be for quite a while. This is because scientists cannot agree on the data that they collected. Some of ti would indicate the beginning of a new ice age and some indicates a new interglacial (warming period). However, we do know that greenhouse gases are responsible for the warming is taking place. We as humans utilize and burn these fossil fuels and greenhouse gases in order to run certain machinery and other mechanical processes. However, our burning of greenhouse gases is heating up the atmosphere even more than the sun already does and that is creating an over all warming effect across the globe. There are many ways to prevent this. These involve alternative fuel sources and turning appliances off when you are not using them. Most importantly, drive more conservatively.

4. - This is a very interesting topic. It shows just how influential the media can be the way a person thinks. I shows the media tries to inflitrate those who are slightly weaker or vulnerable mentally and take advantage of them. It seems odd the usually majority rules and yet, when it comes to body image, 8% of the population is held higher than the other 92%, simply because they are more "beautiful." I would say that the most important concept to get out of this, is to not always trust the media. If you choose to trust the media, 9 times out of ten 10, what they tell you will either not be true at all or only prtially true. You do not have to be extreme big muscular, or skinny and bony to be beautiful, infact there are plenty of celebrties that dont fit into this category but people think they are beautiful. So, the point is, the media should never affect how a person thinks about the way they look, or influence a decision on how to live your life. It should be totally personal.

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